9 of 12 benefits of biodynamic farming
September 1, 2024
The following is the 9th of 12 articles published every month in 2024 by Biodynamic Federation Demeter on the various benefits of biodynamic farming and look at how it can a climate solution.
To this aim the Demeter trademark was developed as the only global brand that certifies biodynamic products. To ensure biodynamic practices provide conditions for plants and animals to thrive, the Demeter standards are checked and developed regularly. They build on organic certification but are more rigorous, aiming to provide premium quality products.
The integrity of Demeter products continues through the entire value chain. Oils and grains are, for instance, pressed with low temperatures to avoid loss of flavour and nutritional benefits. Milk may be pasteurised but not homogenised, and herbs and spices are traded whole or only coarsely chopped to avoid loss of etheric oils. Processing methods damaging the integrity of products such as radiation or chemical preservation are prohibited. Processes are gentle to maintain or enhance the vitality of foods.
Demeter food strives to be authentic, so no artificial ingredients are allowed; additives and processing aids are kept to an absolute minimum and are always declared on the label. All raw materials and ingredients for production and processing alike are protected from potential sources of contamination and Demeter certified where possible. Biodynamic farmers commit to producing GMO-free food without chemical pesticides or fertilizers. We choose quality and freshness over intense production processes and price-reducing chemical inputs.