7 of 12 benefits of biodynamic farming
July 1, 2024
The following is the 7th of 12 articles published every month in 2024 by Biodynamic Federation Demeter on the various benefits of biodynamic farming and look at how it can a climate solution.
Key role of animals for farming
Animals play a central role in biodynamic farming. More particularly cows have a central function as they provide manure which enhances soil fertility and supports biodiversity. This is why on Demeter farms it is mandatory to hold animals. If this is not possible, a cooperation with another farm must be established to ensure at least animal manure. This obligation comes with a great responsibility: the welfare of the animals.
Animal welfare as highest priority
Biodynamic farmers respect and look after their animals’ needs and wellbeing in every way. Animal welfare is very close to their heart. It starts with choosing the right breed, suited to the farm and the environment, feeding the appropriate fodder, and ensuring the animals have enough space to express their natural behaviour. But it goes beyond these fundamental principles: the Demeter standard doesn’t allow mutilations which is why all cows keep their horns.
Integrating domesticated and wild animals
Biodynamic farming also requires keeping a diversity of domesticated and wild animal species on the farm. While domestic animals, such as cattle, are key to ensure soil fertility through manure, wild animals are needed among others for pollination and natural pest control. Therefore, animal husbandry is about caring for all animals on the farm to ensure the farm’s health, self-sufficiency, and resilience.