10 of 12 benefits of biodynamic farming
October 1, 2024
The following is the 10th of 12 articles published every month in 2024 by Biodynamic Federation Demeter on the various benefits of biodynamic farming and look at how it can a climate solution.
One health approach
Biodynamic farming considers human development in its context, connected with animals, plants, and the environment. Humans can only develop further if we take a global approach by considering humans as part of a wider ecosystem. Human development goes together with the farm development. In this sense, biodynamic farming follows the one health approach which recognizes that human health is linked and interdependent with the condition of our environment, including the animals and the plants surrounding us.
Empowerment and development
Human empowerment and development are at the core of biodynamic farming. In this regard, learning, training, and knowledge exchange are fundamental. These activities have a long history in biodynamic farming as in reality farming is indeed a continuous learning and improving process. It requires constant adaptation to external constraints such as varying climatic conditions or different soil types. But biodynamic farmers also aim for higher objectives, striving to make their farm more resilient and sustainable while at the same time ensuring economic viability.
Collaborative work
To support further human development, biodynamic farming encourages work in collaboration at farm level. Animals can, for instance, be held in partnership between farmers which enables all farms to benefit from animal presence and to share the constraints. Not only do farmers gain in efficiency, but the different collaborations are a key platform when it comes to encourage knowledge exchange and development.